We are open! We have appointment times available. Call 719-884-4070 or text 719-888-7118 to book an appointment. Serving patients from all states.

We are open! We have appointment times available. Call 719-884-4070 or text 719-888-7118 to book an appointment. Serving patients from all states.

CARE Colorado – Your Safe Place for Abortion Care

Same-day appointments and financial assistance available!

Available for Colorado and New Mexico Patients.

Call or click to make your appointment now.

(Appointments are available to patients from any state Tuesday-Saturday)

Our Abortion Services

We have added surgical abortions! We are now seeing patients up to 18.6 weeks.

Abortion Pill
Up to 11 weeks

The abortion pill (also known as a medication abortion) is offered up to 11 weeks after the first day of your last menstrual period. In a medical abortion, you take a series of two medications that induce a miscarriage. This method is a very safe and effective way of ending an early pregnancy, with only 2-6% of patients needing a surgical procedure to complete the abortion.

Vacuum Aspiration
Up to 18.6 weeks


In-clinic abortion (also known as a surgical abortion) is another safe and effective method of ending early pregnancies, that involves a pelvic exam, dilation of the cervix, and removal of pregnancy tissue through vacuum aspiration. It has a 99% chance of successfully ending the pregnancy with minimal disruption to patients’ lives.

Surgical Abortion
After 18.6 weeks


Procedures done after 18.6 weeks can be done over a course of 1-2 consecutive clinic visits. This procedure consists of dilation of the cervix followed by the removal of pregnancy with a combination of using instruments (dilation and evacuation—D&E) and vacuum aspiration. It has a 99% chance of successfully ending the pregnancy with minimal disruption to patients’ lives.

Pregnancy Calculator

Enter the first day of your last period to see your options

Note: Seeing a trained medical professional is the only way to accurately determine the length of your pregnancy and what options are available.

Financial Assistance

CARE Colorado provides financial assistance to our patients with the help of our funders. These abortion funds may be able to cover the full cost of your abortion and travel costs. Please schedule your appointment first prior to contacting these funds as we may have additional funds or information to provide to you during the appointment scheduling process. Click the button below to learn more.

How you can help

Donate to start our Colorado clinic

Abortion CARE in Colorado

Help Keep Abortion Safe and Legal

We are currently under contract for a building in Pueblo, Colorado, and need your help with closing costs and renovation costs. Please consider donating and helping increase abortion access for the patients within our communities.

CARE is located in two states currently; Maryland and Nebraska. We have seen the patient volume increase drastically, and the distance patients travel for their abortions has also increased. Unfortunately, we can no longer meet the volume demand in Nebraska. Along with this, the state of Nebraska is discussing a 12-week abortion ban and the city of Bellevue has a petition to ban all abortions within the city. For these reasons, our clinic is raising money to open a new 1st and 2nd-trimester abortion clinic in Pueblo, Colorado, so that we may assist the many patients who struggle with accessing appointments and traveling great distances for their abortion. We must ensure that we will maintain access in the Midwest should Nebraska lose access.

CARE - Clinics for Abortion and Reproductive Excellence was founded by Dr. LeRoy Carhart and consists of two independent abortion clinics in the states of Nebraska and Maryland. Prior to the overturn of Roe v Wade, our clinics were operating at capacity regarding patient volume. Now with the fall of Roe, we can no longer meet the entire need of our surrounding communities. We also fear for Nebraska's governor to call for a special session to decrease the availability of abortions within the state. For this reason, we are going to open an all-trimester clinic in the safe-haven state of Colorado. We need your support to purchase a building, as all landlords that we have met with are not willing to lease to an abortion clinic.